Review một số dịch vụ VPS đang dùng: Hetzner, Crunchbits, Contabo, Azdigi, Cloudcone, LightSail, Linode, Oracle

Do đang có khá nhiều VPS nên mình test thử performance của các dịch vụ này. Bất ngờ nhất là sau khi viết bài này thì LowEndTalk releases bảng đánh giá VPS dành cho “nhà nghèo”.

Về giá: Hetzner ($4 monthly), Crunchbits ($23 yearly), Contabo ($6 -7 monthly), AZdigi (1 triệu/qúy), Cloudcone ($15 yearly), LightSail ($5 monthly), Linode ($5 monthly), Oracle (gói free).

Với mỗi VPS khác nhau, mình đều chạy 3 test bên dưới ở nhiều thời điểm khác nhau. Các test này sẽ đánh giá về khả năng xử lý của CPU, tốc độ mạng, tốc độ ghi và đọc ổ cứng. Tất cả các test này đều không test được uptime và khả năng tải.

Test 1:

wget -qO- | bash

Test 2: 
# Test Tốc độ & Share kết quả
curl -Lso- | bash

Test 3:

curl -sL | bash
  1. Đầu tiên là Hetzner

Đây là VPS tốt nhất và mình rất thích dùng, uptime cao. Chỉ có 1 điểm hạn chế là VPS ở Đức (hoặc Mỹ). Chip dùng AMD/ARM. Tốc độ ổ cứng, mạng, CPU đều rất tốt.

System Info
CPU model            : 
Number of cores      : 
CPU frequency        :  MHz
Total size of Disk   : 190.2 GB (235.0 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 3814 MB (1240 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 245 days, 23 hour 22 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Arch                 : aarch64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-69-generic
Virt                 : No Virt
Date                 : Sun Jan 28 05:59:10 AM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 1.1 GB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 1.1 GB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 1.1 GB/s
Average              : 1126.4 MB/s
Fio is missing!!! Please install Fio before running test.

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       753KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          16.8MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              15.8MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                8.84MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             7.98MB/s                                                    
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                1.21MB/s                    

Test trên gói AMD Mỹ:

System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC Processor
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        : 2445.406 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 38.2 GB (147.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 1915 MB (168 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 1915 MB (4 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 0 hour 6 min
Load average         : 0.41, 0.55, 0.28
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-91-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Tue Jan 30 06:25:00 AM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 365 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 607 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 604 MB/s
Average              : 525.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 68.5MB/s
Read IOPS            : 16.7k
Write performance    : 22.9MB/s
Write IOPS           : 5594

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       978KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          96.3MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              396MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                18.6MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             9.84MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                1.24MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                6.85MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.81MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      7.27MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       4.76MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    8.59MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Cũng là chip AMD tại một thời điểm khác:
System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC Processor
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        : 2445.406 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 38.2 GB (147.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 1915 MB (140 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 1915 MB (10 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 6 hour 25 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-91-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Tue Jan 30 12:44:21 PM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 1.5 GB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 1.3 GB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 1.6 GB/s
Average              : 1501.9 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 284MB/s
Read IOPS            : 69.5k
Write performance    : 94.9MB/s
Write IOPS           : 23.2k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       1023KB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          98.4MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              336MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                19.6MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             10.4MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                2.99MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                6.81MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.75MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      7.82MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       4.64MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    7.96MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Đây là một test khác trên chip AMD location Mỹ:
System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC-Milan Processor
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        : 2445.404 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 75.2 GB (144.2 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 7743 MB (174 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 0 hour 11 min
Load average         : 0.24, 0.14, 0.09
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-91-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Mon Feb  5 03:50:59 AM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 1.5 GB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 1.6 GB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 1.6 GB/s
Average              : 1604.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 364MB/s
Read IOPS            : 88.8k
Write performance    : 121MB/s
Write IOPS           : 29.6k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       590KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          101MB/s       
Vultr, Seattle, WA              350MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                15.6MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             9.71MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                2.19MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                6.42MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.16MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      7.95MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       4.46MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    7.45MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Test 2:

root@ubuntu-4gb-fsn1-1:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Sun Jan 28 09:42:36 AM UTC 2024

ARM compatibility is considered *experimental*

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 246 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes
Processor  : Neoverse-N1
CPU cores  : 2 @ ??? MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 3.7 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 37.5 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-69-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Hetzner Online GmbH
ASN        : AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
Host       : Hetzner Online GmbH
Location   : Falkenstein, Saxony (SN)
Country    : Germany

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 135.69 MB/s  (33.9k) | 1.13 GB/s    (17.7k)
Write      | 135.60 MB/s  (33.9k) | 1.16 GB/s    (18.2k)
Total      | 271.29 MB/s  (67.8k) | 2.29 GB/s    (35.9k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 1.33 GB/s     (2.5k) | 1.26 GB/s     (1.2k)
Write      | 1.44 GB/s     (2.8k) | 1.41 GB/s     (1.3k)
Total      | 2.77 GB/s     (5.4k) | 2.67 GB/s     (2.6k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 8.08 Gbits/sec  | 7.75 Gbits/sec  | 16.6 ms        
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 8.99 Gbits/sec  | 8.86 Gbits/sec  | 25.2 ms        
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 10.9 Gbits/sec  | 10.8 Gbits/sec  | 12.0 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.49 Gbits/sec  | 2.04 Gbits/sec  | 90.6 ms        
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.66 Gbits/sec  | 1.93 Gbits/sec  | 86.0 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | busy            | 1.48 Gbits/sec  | 122 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.09 Gbits/sec  | 1.10 Gbits/sec  | 153 ms         

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 5.90 Gbits/sec  | 8.28 Gbits/sec  | 16.3 ms        
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 7.54 Gbits/sec  | 22.2 ms        
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 9.23 Gbits/sec  | 10.8 Gbits/sec  | 11.9 ms        
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.49 Gbits/sec  | 1.33 Gbits/sec  | 90.3 ms        
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 2.00 Gbits/sec  | 2.15 Gbits/sec  | 86.3 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1.20 Gbits/sec  | 1.43 Gbits/sec  | 123 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 1.16 Gbits/sec  | 153 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1056                          
Multi Core      | 1886                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 15 min 59 sec

Một test khác với chip AMD và location Mỹ. 

 Finished in        : 6 min 45 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-30 06:35:36 UTC
root@ubuntu-2gb-hil-1:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Tue Jan 30 11:28:32 AM UTC 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 5 hours, 9 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC Processor
CPU cores  : 2 @ 2445.406 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 1.9 GiB
Swap       : 1.9 GiB
Disk       : 37.5 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-91-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Hetzner Online GmbH
ASN        : AS212317 Hetzner Online GmbH
Host       : Hetzner Online GmbH
Location   : Hillsboro, Oregon (OR)
Country    : United States

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 101.42 MB/s  (25.3k) | 410.69 MB/s   (6.4k)
Write      | 101.69 MB/s  (25.4k) | 412.85 MB/s   (6.4k)
Total      | 203.11 MB/s  (50.7k) | 823.54 MB/s  (12.8k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 638.20 MB/s   (1.2k) | 532.55 MB/s    (520)
Write      | 672.10 MB/s   (1.3k) | 568.02 MB/s    (554)
Total      | 1.31 GB/s     (2.5k) | 1.10 GB/s     (1.0k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 1.10 Gbits/sec  | 1.18 Gbits/sec  | 158 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.23 Gbits/sec  | 56.1 Mbits/sec  | 155 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 1.15 Gbits/sec  | 1.14 Gbits/sec  | 164 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 621 Mbits/sec   | 544 Mbits/sec   | 216 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.99 Gbits/sec  | 2.18 Gbits/sec  | 89.5 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 2.25 Gbits/sec  | 3.08 Gbits/sec  | 61.6 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 4.43 Gbits/sec  | 7.19 Gbits/sec  | 27.1 ms        

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 943 Mbits/sec   | 1.10 Gbits/sec  | 165 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.18 Gbits/sec  | 430 Mbits/sec   | 159 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 1.10 Gbits/sec  | 1.12 Gbits/sec  | 160 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 642 Mbits/sec   | 694 Mbits/sec   | 216 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.76 Gbits/sec  | 1.92 Gbits/sec  | 84.4 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 2.94 Gbits/sec  | 867 Mbits/sec   | 57.8 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | 6.65 Gbits/sec  | 26.9 ms        

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 994                           
Multi Core      | 1707                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 17 min 10 sec

Đây là một test khác trên máy chủ AMD

root@ubuntu-8gb-hil-1:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Mon Feb  5 03:53:50 AM UTC 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC-Milan Processor
CPU cores  : 2 @ 2445.404 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 7.6 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 75.0 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-91-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Hetzner Online GmbH
ASN        : AS212317 Hetzner Online GmbH
Host       : Hetzner Online GmbH
Location   : Hillsboro, Oregon (OR)
Country    : United States

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 240.54 MB/s  (60.1k) | 2.44 GB/s    (38.1k)
Write      | 241.17 MB/s  (60.2k) | 2.45 GB/s    (38.3k)
Total      | 481.71 MB/s (120.4k) | 4.89 GB/s    (76.4k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 3.84 GB/s     (7.5k) | 4.19 GB/s     (4.0k)
Write      | 4.05 GB/s     (7.9k) | 4.47 GB/s     (4.3k)
Total      | 7.89 GB/s    (15.4k) | 8.66 GB/s     (8.4k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 934 Mbits/sec   | 1.19 Gbits/sec  | 159 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.28 Gbits/sec  | busy            | 155 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 1.13 Gbits/sec  | 1.14 Gbits/sec  | 160 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 703 Mbits/sec   | 654 Mbits/sec   | 215 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.56 Gbits/sec  | 2.25 Gbits/sec  | 84.9 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 2.47 Gbits/sec  | 4.10 Gbits/sec  | 57.1 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 4.31 Gbits/sec  | 7.53 Gbits/sec  | 26.4 ms        

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 1.13 Gbits/sec  | 159 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 1.14 Gbits/sec  | 159 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 1.09 Gbits/sec  | 1.10 Gbits/sec  | 159 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 782 Mbits/sec   | 130 Mbits/sec   | 215 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.73 Gbits/sec  | 2.20 Gbits/sec  | 84.9 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 2.01 Gbits/sec  | 3.29 Gbits/sec  | 56.5 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 4.06 Gbits/sec  | 6.70 Gbits/sec  | 26.3 ms        

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1567                          
Multi Core      | 1961                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 14 min 13 sec

Test 3:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : CPU model not detected
 CPU Cores          : 2
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 37.5 GB (16.8 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 3.7 GB (1.2 GB Used)
 System uptime      : 246 days, 3 hour 50 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.07
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
 Arch               : aarch64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-69-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH
 Location           : Falkenstein / DE
 Region             : Saxony
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.1 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.1 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.1 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1126.4 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    936.43 Mbps       836.41 Mbps         2.95 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  569.51 Mbps       2944.99 Mbps        158.84 ms   
 Paris, FR        3555.18 Mbps      7464.54 Mbps        26.84 ms    
 Amsterdam, NL    4909.00 Mbps      9308.46 Mbps        11.14 ms    
 Hongkong, CN     431.98 Mbps       3569.37 Mbps        188.44 ms   
 Singapore, SG    554.58 Mbps       4566.07 Mbps        171.21 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        285.55 Mbps       1707.96 Mbps        236.26 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      152.46 Mbps       2986.34 Mbps        189.96 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       469.77 Mbps       3734.69 Mbps        183.58 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     396.98 Mbps       215.21 Mbps         196.85 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  70.48 Mbps        243.18 Mbps         185.74 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   442.51 Mbps       3879.26 Mbps        203.67 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 9 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-28 10:33:12 UTC

Test trên chip AMD MỸ

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC Processor
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 2445.406 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 37.5 GB (5.0 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 1.9 GB (154.1 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 1.9 GB (4.2 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 9 min
 Load average       : 0.02, 0.29, 0.23
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-91-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS212317 Hetzner Online GmbH
 Location           : Hillsboro / US
 Region             : Oregon
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.1 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.3 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.1 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1194.7 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    8604.86 Mbps      5199.89 Mbps        0.88 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  3171.21 Mbps      8987.53 Mbps        26.63 ms    
 Paris, FR        555.20 Mbps       4084.13 Mbps        162.31 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    478.38 Mbps       4581.43 Mbps        147.58 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     440.61 Mbps       4460.14 Mbps        175.74 ms   
 Singapore, SG    448.03 Mbps       4190.95 Mbps        179.82 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        689.72 Mbps       4701.83 Mbps        125.56 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      304.49 Mbps       3477.74 Mbps        202.62 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       369.61 Mbps       4966.02 Mbps        162.64 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     221.43 Mbps       60.59 Mbps          321.49 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      243.26 Mbps       87.10 Mbps          274.45 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  96.49 Mbps        218.14 Mbps         190.88 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   400.21 Mbps       3114.73 Mbps        189.81 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 45 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-30 06:35:36 UTC

Chip AMD location Mỹ tại một thời điểm khác:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC Processor
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 2445.406 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 37.5 GB (5.1 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 1.9 GB (161.3 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 1.9 GB (6.5 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 6 hour 53 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-91-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS212317 Hetzner Online GmbH
 Location           : Hillsboro / US
 Region             : Oregon
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.5 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.7 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.6 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1638.4 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    8772.87 Mbps      6633.41 Mbps        0.90 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  3154.96 Mbps      9023.34 Mbps        26.47 ms    
 Paris, FR        561.95 Mbps       4195.32 Mbps        166.26 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    594.99 Mbps       4600.95 Mbps        151.83 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     449.65 Mbps       3499.14 Mbps        215.54 ms   
 Singapore, SG    519.85 Mbps       3969.88 Mbps        179.61 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        646.08 Mbps       4429.79 Mbps        110.03 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      184.56 Mbps       3591.21 Mbps        205.60 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       524.59 Mbps       4792.70 Mbps        156.13 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     103.31 Mbps       134.49 Mbps         321.16 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      209.08 Mbps       424.69 Mbps         187.72 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  81.91 Mbps        158.07 Mbps         191.32 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   370.33 Mbps       1787.04 Mbps        191.64 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 48 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-30 13:19:21 UTC

Đây là bản test AMD 8GB chip EPYC-Milan

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC-Milan Processor
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 2445.404 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 75.0 GB (1.9 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.6 GB (163.8 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 1 min
 Load average       : 0.01, 0.01, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-91-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS212317 Hetzner Online GmbH
 Location           : Hillsboro / US
 Region             : Oregon
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.4 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.6 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.5 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1536.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    9047.70 Mbps      6215.38 Mbps        0.74 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  3128.54 Mbps      8987.12 Mbps        26.98 ms    
 Paris, FR        565.44 Mbps       4220.91 Mbps        166.85 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    596.65 Mbps       4623.17 Mbps        152.63 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     533.56 Mbps       4492.97 Mbps        171.66 ms   
 Singapore, SG    444.59 Mbps       4112.39 Mbps        194.52 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        692.28 Mbps       4199.46 Mbps        122.18 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      425.12 Mbps       3627.81 Mbps        183.66 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       379.60 Mbps       2991.26 Mbps        156.06 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     231.69 Mbps       67.54 Mbps          315.88 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      291.86 Mbps       198.08 Mbps         193.38 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  101.95 Mbps       195.33 Mbps         188.90 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   376.78 Mbps       4120.60 Mbps        189.96 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 47 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-05 03:47:59 UTC

2) Tiếp đến là Crunchbits

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
 CPU Cores          : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 121.1 GB (1.7 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 4.3 GB (274.3 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 13 hour 46 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-92-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS400304 Redoubt Networks
 Location           : Liberty Lake / US
 Region             : Washington
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 808 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 855 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 872 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 845.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    998.48 Mbps       895.66 Mbps         72.55 ms    
 Los Angeles, US  914.44 Mbps       930.75 Mbps         37.53 ms    
 Paris, FR        455.14 Mbps       908.02 Mbps         162.16 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    598.07 Mbps       878.74 Mbps         147.87 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     5.02 Mbps         0.52 Mbps           199.28 ms   
 Singapore, SG    367.25 Mbps       514.75 Mbps         226.67 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        642.53 Mbps       924.83 Mbps         122.28 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      355.98 Mbps       951.68 Mbps         202.16 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       395.26 Mbps       705.72 Mbps         191.49 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     294.24 Mbps       149.86 Mbps         267.90 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      196.44 Mbps       148.43 Mbps         435.19 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  86.81 Mbps        448.76 Mbps         204.81 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   347.11 Mbps       590.44 Mbps         222.63 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 56 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-27 20:25:53 PST

===============Test ở một thời điểm khác==================

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
 CPU Cores          : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 121.1 GB (6.9 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 4.3 GB (280.8 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 4.3 GB (0 Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 5 hour 0 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-92-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS400304 Redoubt Networks
 Location           : Liberty Lake / US
 Region             : Washington
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 844 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 903 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 910 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 885.7 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    987.21 Mbps       938.31 Mbps         0.56 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  953.41 Mbps       929.01 Mbps         37.62 ms    
 Paris, FR        558.69 Mbps       982.33 Mbps         162.02 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    441.40 Mbps       815.59 Mbps         148.79 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     5.00 Mbps         1.98 Mbps           209.30 ms   
 Singapore, SG    413.88 Mbps       491.20 Mbps         211.51 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        643.88 Mbps       912.04 Mbps         122.94 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      426.02 Mbps       954.39 Mbps         198.00 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       539.72 Mbps       969.36 Mbps         192.77 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     308.04 Mbps       166.38 Mbps         264.38 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      273.23 Mbps       8.17 Mbps           226.47 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  48.47 Mbps        547.70 Mbps         205.04 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   322.79 Mbps       630.40 Mbps         224.41 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 48 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-29 03:30:55 PST

Tiếp tục tại một thời điểm khác:
-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
 CPU Cores          : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 121.1 GB (6.9 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 4.3 GB (296.5 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 4.3 GB (0 Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 12 hour 18 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-92-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS400304 Redoubt Networks
 Location           : Liberty Lake / US
 Region             : Washington
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 727 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 993 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 975 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 898.3 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    987.08 Mbps       935.06 Mbps         0.65 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  871.33 Mbps       930.33 Mbps         37.57 ms    
 Paris, FR        538.92 Mbps       970.61 Mbps         161.25 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    370.29 Mbps       765.98 Mbps         143.42 ms   
 Singapore, SG    444.37 Mbps       552.43 Mbps         209.88 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        635.50 Mbps       910.95 Mbps         122.46 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      439.98 Mbps       957.99 Mbps         197.83 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       552.38 Mbps       142.58 Mbps         204.41 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     310.81 Mbps       154.52 Mbps         264.51 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      358.73 Mbps       255.00 Mbps         235.21 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  30.54 Mbps        569.30 Mbps         204.97 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   346.96 Mbps       500.94 Mbps         222.02 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 43 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-29 16:00:16 PST

Tại một thời điểm khác:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
 CPU Cores          : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
 Total Disk         : 121.1 GB (59.6 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 4.3 GB (1.9 GB Used)
 Total Swap         : 4.3 GB (153.5 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 6 days, 18 hour 21 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-92-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS174 Cogent Communications
 Location           : Liberty Lake / US
 Region             : Washington
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 612 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 790 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 816 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 739.3 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    995.64 Mbps       934.80 Mbps         0.50 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  1012.99 Mbps      877.32 Mbps         37.70 ms    
 Paris, FR        602.95 Mbps       959.95 Mbps         152.82 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    279.11 Mbps       639.96 Mbps         154.39 ms   
 Singapore, SG    438.28 Mbps       490.58 Mbps         188.35 ms   
 Tokyo, JP        643.89 Mbps       850.57 Mbps         120.92 ms   
 FPT-HCM, VN      395.27 Mbps       936.69 Mbps         182.56 ms   
 VNPT-HCM, VN     323.40 Mbps       211.73 Mbps         266.61 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  10.23 Mbps        467.15 Mbps         204.97 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   365.38 Mbps       642.36 Mbps         220.48 ms   
 Finished in        : 5 min 34 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-21 17:39:57 PST

Test 2:

root@kiwipanel:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Sun Jan 28 01:41:13 PST 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes
Processor  : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
CPU cores  : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM        : 4.3 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 121.1 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-92-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Redoubt Networks
ASN        : AS400304 Redoubt Networks
Host       : Crunchbits LLC
Location   : Liberty Lake, Washington (WA)
Country    : United States

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 164.62 MB/s  (41.1k) | 1.86 GB/s    (29.0k)
Write      | 165.06 MB/s  (41.2k) | 1.87 GB/s    (29.2k)
Total      | 329.68 MB/s  (82.4k) | 3.73 GB/s    (58.3k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 475.75 MB/s    (929) | 341.16 MB/s    (333)
Write      | 501.03 MB/s    (978) | 363.88 MB/s    (355)
Total      | 976.78 MB/s   (1.9k) | 705.04 MB/s    (688)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 464 Mbits/sec   | 256 Mbits/sec   | 136 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 572 Mbits/sec   | 146 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 990 Mbits/sec   | 655 Mbits/sec   | 150 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 638 Mbits/sec   | 286 Mbits/sec   | 237 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.04 Gbits/sec  | 184 Mbits/sec   | 69.6 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 440 Mbits/sec   | 72.7 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.03 Gbits/sec  | 922 Mbits/sec   | 35.9 ms        

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 973 Mbits/sec   | 299 Mbits/sec   | 136 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 969 Mbits/sec   | 202 Mbits/sec   | 139 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 988 Mbits/sec   | 627 Mbits/sec   | 150 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 461 Mbits/sec   | 378 Mbits/sec   | 229 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.03 Gbits/sec  | 202 Mbits/sec   | 69.7 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 484 Mbits/sec   | 72.7 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.04 Gbits/sec  | 920 Mbits/sec   | 35.6 ms        

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1063                          
Multi Core      | 2596                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 15 min 34 sec

Tại một thời điểm khác:

root@kiwipanel:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Wed Feb 21 17:46:33 PST 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 6 days, 18 hours, 33 minutes
Processor  : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
CPU cores  : 3 @ 2594.206 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM        : 4.3 GiB
Swap       : 4.3 GiB
Disk       : 121.1 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-92-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Redoubt Networks
ASN        : AS400304 Redoubt Networks
Host       : Crunchbits LLC
Location   : Liberty Lake, Washington (WA)
Country    : United States

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 126.14 MB/s  (31.5k) | 2.16 GB/s    (33.7k)
Write      | 126.47 MB/s  (31.6k) | 2.17 GB/s    (33.9k)
Total      | 252.62 MB/s  (63.1k) | 4.33 GB/s    (67.7k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 4.62 GB/s     (9.0k) | 262.96 MB/s    (256)
Write      | 4.86 GB/s     (9.5k) | 280.47 MB/s    (273)
Total      | 9.48 GB/s    (18.5k) | 543.44 MB/s    (529)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 978 Mbits/sec   | 114 Mbits/sec   | 136 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 968 Mbits/sec   | 604 Mbits/sec   | 140 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | 655 Mbits/sec   | 144 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 417 Mbits/sec   | 312 Mbits/sec   | 225 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 657 Mbits/sec   | 577 Mbits/sec   | 70.2 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1000 Mbits/sec  | 674 Mbits/sec   | 72.8 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.00 Gbits/sec  | 748 Mbits/sec   | 71.8 ms        

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 975 Mbits/sec   | 314 Mbits/sec   | 136 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 969 Mbits/sec   | 673 Mbits/sec   | 142 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 988 Mbits/sec   | 607 Mbits/sec   | 144 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 774 Mbits/sec   | 190 Mbits/sec   | 224 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 278 Mbits/sec   | 70.3 ms        
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1.00 Gbits/sec  | 729 Mbits/sec   | 72.9 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.05 Gbits/sec  | 763 Mbits/sec   | 71.3 ms        

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 912                           
Multi Core      | 2216                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 15 min 46 sec

Test 3:

# Test Tốc độ & Share kết quả
curl -Lso- | bash
System Info
CPU model            : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
Number of cores      : 3
CPU frequency        : 2594.206 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 121.1 GB (1.7 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 4374 MB (280 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 12 hour 59 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-92-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Sat Jan 27 19:31:00 PST 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 833 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 873 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 751 MB/s
Average              : 819.0 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 357MB/s
Read IOPS            : 87.2k
Write performance    : 119MB/s
Write IOPS           : 29.1k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       396KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          70.0MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              105MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                18.8MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             11.7MB/s      
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                1.31MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                7.78MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.46MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      394KB/s       
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       408KB/s       
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    8.19MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Một test khác:

System Info
CPU model            : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
Number of cores      : 3
CPU frequency        : 2594.206 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 121.1 GB (6.9 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 4374 MB (300 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 4374 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 14 hour 52 min
Load average         : 0.08, 0.02, 0.01
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-92-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Mon Jan 29 18:27:40 PST 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 813 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 855 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 836 MB/s
Average              : 834.7 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 351MB/s
Read IOPS            : 85.7k
Write performance    : 117MB/s
Write IOPS           : 28.6k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       425KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          69.9MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              105MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                18.2MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             12.1MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                2.44MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                8.25MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.45MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      7.63MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       568KB/s       
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    8.47MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Tại một thời điểm khác sau 2 tuần sử dụng

System Info
CPU model            : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
Number of cores      : 3
CPU frequency        : 2594.206 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 121.1 GB (7.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 4374 MB (327 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 4374 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 1 days, 9 hour 31 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-92-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Tue Feb  6 15:42:00 PST 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 151 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 693 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 909 MB/s
Average              : 584.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 336MB/s
Read IOPS            : 82.1k
Write performance    : 112MB/s
Write IOPS           : 27.4k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       620KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          69.6MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              104MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                19.1MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             12.0MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                2.44MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                7.77MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.27MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      7.99MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       4.58MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    8.53MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Tại một thời điểm khác:

CPU model            : Intel Core Processor (Broadwell)
Number of cores      : 3
CPU frequency        : 2594.206 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 363.1 GB (180.0 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 4374 MB (1824 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 4374 MB (371 MB Used)
System uptime        : 6 days, 19 hour 18 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.00, 0.07
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-92-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Wed Feb 21 18:32:03 PST 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 592 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 784 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 1.0 GB/s
Average              : 800.0 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 321MB/s
Read IOPS            : 78.3k
Write performance    : 107MB/s
Write IOPS           : 26.1k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       318KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          70.1MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              104MB/s       
Linode, Tokyo, JP                16.4MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             12.1MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                2.20MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                8.20MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            2.60MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      8.23MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       2.41MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    7.91MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

3) Contato:

Con này ở Singapore nhưng cơ bản tệ: tốc độ ổ cứng, mạng. Được cái RAM và disk nhiều, giá mềm.

Test 1 sử dụng Teddysun

Kết quả với Teddysun

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 195.8 GB (87.0 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.8 GB (1.5 GB Used)
 System uptime      : 62 days, 18 hour 36 min
 Load average       : 0.04, 0.07, 0.03
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-25-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 160 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 107 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 106 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 124.3 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    188.86 Mbps       197.93 Mbps         1.19 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  128.15 Mbps       189.92 Mbps         175.23 ms   
 Paris, FR        176.36 Mbps       204.48 Mbps         145.87 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    178.27 Mbps       50.19 Mbps          152.77 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     185.25 Mbps       148.42 Mbps         0.31 ms     
 Singapore, SG    180.60 Mbps       156.75 Mbps         2.35 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        179.88 Mbps       178.96 Mbps         79.14 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      157.95 Mbps       184.16 Mbps         29.00 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       175.47 Mbps       206.27 Mbps         41.12 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     168.57 Mbps       186.53 Mbps         60.53 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      124.65 Mbps       155.82 Mbps         192.57 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  40.23 Mbps        7.38 Mbps           211.52 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   122.22 Mbps       81.82 Mbps          342.24 ms   
 Finished in        : 7 min 9 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-28 12:39:11 +08

Test tại một thời điểm khác:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 195.8 GB (86.9 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.8 GB (1.9 GB Used)
 System uptime      : 67 days, 23 hour 10 min
 Load average       : 0.01, 0.09, 0.05
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-25-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 167 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 107 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 107 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 127.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    193.20 Mbps       197.96 Mbps         0.75 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  152.09 Mbps       202.37 Mbps         171.36 ms   
 Paris, FR        163.58 Mbps       204.44 Mbps         149.54 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    175.49 Mbps       160.80 Mbps         161.59 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     184.15 Mbps       198.97 Mbps         37.67 ms    
 Singapore, SG    192.74 Mbps       198.18 Mbps         1.85 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        193.63 Mbps       199.12 Mbps         77.82 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      188.58 Mbps       199.87 Mbps         29.57 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       171.45 Mbps       196.36 Mbps         42.27 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     191.38 Mbps       200.57 Mbps         43.96 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      182.02 Mbps       200.00 Mbps         50.61 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  41.15 Mbps        74.64 Mbps          340.26 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   180.85 Mbps       191.06 Mbps         207.46 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 26 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-02 17:12:27 +08

Tại một thời điểm khác::

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 195.8 GB (87.1 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.8 GB (1.5 GB Used)
 System uptime      : 80 days, 21 hour 21 min
 Load average       : 0.09, 0.10, 0.08
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-25-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 161 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 106 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 117 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 128.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    177.33 Mbps       157.98 Mbps         7.64 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  124.22 Mbps       191.93 Mbps         176.22 ms   
 Paris, FR        135.50 Mbps       188.32 Mbps         228.54 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    136.63 Mbps       149.36 Mbps         161.98 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     180.34 Mbps       176.28 Mbps         174.99 ms   
 Singapore, SG    183.36 Mbps       177.81 Mbps         1.92 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        177.45 Mbps       164.16 Mbps         77.95 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      172.77 Mbps       193.41 Mbps         76.42 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       170.77 Mbps       200.46 Mbps         42.50 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     162.17 Mbps       185.91 Mbps         44.19 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      150.47 Mbps       188.50 Mbps         208.66 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  38.05 Mbps        73.44 Mbps          210.51 ms   
 Viettel-DN, VN   135.98 Mbps       199.93 Mbps         204.16 ms   
 Finished in        : 7 min 0 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-15 15:24:49 +08

Tiếp tục test ở một thời điểm khác:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 195.8 GB (87.2 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 7.8 GB (1.5 GB Used)
 System uptime      : 87 days, 15 hour 49 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-25-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 46.7 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 107 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 107 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 86.9 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    189.20 Mbps       198.36 Mbps         7.63 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  190.23 Mbps       205.97 Mbps         166.97 ms   
 Paris, FR        190.96 Mbps       216.17 Mbps         228.30 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    188.65 Mbps       199.88 Mbps         156.87 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     189.03 Mbps       203.70 Mbps         174.56 ms   
 Singapore, SG    190.75 Mbps       188.99 Mbps         1.63 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        190.69 Mbps       203.39 Mbps         77.86 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      190.83 Mbps       209.02 Mbps         76.70 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       189.81 Mbps       199.21 Mbps         41.89 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     190.76 Mbps       205.94 Mbps         44.45 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      184.60 Mbps       199.23 Mbps         198.57 ms   
 Viettel-HCM, VN  57.32 Mbps        187.85 Mbps         65.84 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   189.09 Mbps       204.32 Mbps         203.98 ms   
 Finished in        : 6 min 52 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-22 09:51:52 +08

Test 2: Sử dụng

# Test Tốc độ & Share kết quả
curl -Lso- | bash
System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
Number of cores      : 4
CPU frequency        : 2794.748 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 584.0 GB (261.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 7951 MB (1533 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 62 days, 17 hour 51 min
Load average         : 0.09, 0.05, 0.01
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-25-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Sun Jan 28 11:47:39 AM  08 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 85.8 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 107 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 109 MB/s
Average              : 100.6 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 16.4MB/s
Read IOPS            : 3996
Write performance    : 5451kB/s
Write IOPS           : 1330

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                        3.42MB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          12.0MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              11.5MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                5.68MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             22.3MB/s      
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                3.95MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                9.35MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            5.29MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      803KB/s       
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       500KB/s       
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    5.05MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Kết quả ở một thời điểm khác:

System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
Number of cores      : 4
CPU frequency        : 2794.748 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 584.0 GB (261.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 7951 MB (1551 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 64 days, 16 hour 0 min
Load average         : 0.01, 0.01, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-25-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Tue Jan 30 09:56:35 AM +08 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 57.9 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 120 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 109 MB/s
Average              : 95.6 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 16.4MB/s
Read IOPS            : 3995
Write performance    : 5450kB/s
Write IOPS           : 1330

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                        1.69MB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          13.5MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              12.8MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                11.2MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             23.5MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                4.31MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                9.28MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            13.2MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      2.31MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       5.45MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    4.19MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Test ở một thời điểm khác:

System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
Number of cores      : 4
CPU frequency        : 2794.748 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 584.0 GB (261.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 7951 MB (1967 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 67 days, 23 hour 5 min
Load average         : 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-25-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Fri Feb  2 05:01:03 PM +08 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 105 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 107 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 107 MB/s
Average              : 106.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 16.4MB/s
Read IOPS            : 3996
Write performance    : 5451kB/s
Write IOPS           : 1330

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                        2.52MB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          13.0MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              11.3MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                15.6MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             23.6MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                11.7MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                19.9MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            13.7MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      4.72MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       1.14MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    5.07MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Tại một thời điểm khác sau 2 tháng:

System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
Number of cores      : 4
CPU frequency        : 2794.748 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 584.0 GB (264.1 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 7951 MB (1535 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
System uptime        : 80 days, 21 hour 10 min
Load average         : 0.17, 0.06, 0.01
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-25-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Thu Feb 15 03:06:50 PM +08 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 81.0 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 107 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 108 MB/s
Average              : 98.7 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 16.4MB/s
Read IOPS            : 3997
Write performance    : 5452kB/s
Write IOPS           : 1331

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                        2.17MB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          12.4MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              11.0MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                6.71MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             20.6MB/s      
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                3.30MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                8.16MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            12.0MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      2.97MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       5.83MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    4.60MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   

Test 3: Yet-Another-Bench-Script

root@vmi1377043:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Sun Jan 28 05:40:55 PM +08 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 62 days, 23 hours, 44 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 7.8 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 195.8 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-25-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : Contabo Asia Private Limited
ASN        : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
Host       : Contabo Asia Private Limited
Location   : Singapore, Central Singapore (01)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda3):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 5.29 MB/s     (1.3k) | 64.28 MB/s    (1.0k)
Write      | 5.31 MB/s     (1.3k) | 64.70 MB/s    (1.0k)
Total      | 10.61 MB/s    (2.6k) | 128.98 MB/s   (2.0k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 127.62 MB/s    (249) | 97.87 MB/s      (95)
Write      | 134.40 MB/s    (262) | 104.39 MB/s    (101)
Total      | 262.02 MB/s    (511) | 202.26 MB/s    (196)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 153 Mbits/sec   | 169 Mbits/sec   | 154 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 145 Mbits/sec   | 85.1 Mbits/sec  | 149 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 170 Mbits/sec   | 163 Mbits/sec   | 167 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 162 Mbits/sec   | 132 Mbits/sec   | 271 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 152 Mbits/sec   | 173 Mbits/sec   | 221 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 159 Mbits/sec   | 170 Mbits/sec   | 203 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 133 Mbits/sec   | 155 Mbits/sec   | 182 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 906                           
Multi Core      | 2538                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 15 min 32 sec

Tại một thời điểm khác:

 Finished in        : 6 min 52 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-22 09:51:52 +08
root@vmi1377043:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Thu Feb 22 10:09:29 AM +08 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 87 days, 16 hours, 13 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 4 @ 2794.748 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 7.8 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 195.8 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-25-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : Contabo Asia Private Limited
ASN        : AS141995 Contabo Asia Private Limited
Host       : Contabo Asia Private Limited
Location   : Singapore, Central Singapore (01)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda3):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 5.30 MB/s     (1.3k) | 64.23 MB/s    (1.0k)
Write      | 5.32 MB/s     (1.3k) | 64.62 MB/s    (1.0k)
Total      | 10.62 MB/s    (2.6k) | 128.85 MB/s   (2.0k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 127.81 MB/s    (249) | 98.52 MB/s      (96)
Write      | 134.60 MB/s    (262) | 105.08 MB/s    (102)
Total      | 262.42 MB/s    (511) | 203.60 MB/s    (198)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 172 Mbits/sec   | 185 Mbits/sec   | 156 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 168 Mbits/sec   | 181 Mbits/sec   | 149 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 177 Mbits/sec   | 171 Mbits/sec   | 165 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 171 Mbits/sec   | 175 Mbits/sec   | 269 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 161 Mbits/sec   | 176 Mbits/sec   | 221 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 164 Mbits/sec   | 181 Mbits/sec   | 192 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 171 Mbits/sec   | 157 Mbits/sec   | 162 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 938                           
Multi Core      | 2493                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 14 min 27 sec

4) Con VPS Cloudcone

Siêu cùi bắp củ chuối nải. Vì giá rẻ nên mình mua đại. Kết quả không dùng làm gì cả năm nay. Chắc chắn sẽ không dùng bạn này nữa.

# Test Tốc độ & Share kết quả
curl -Lso- | bash
System Info
CPU model            : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz
Number of cores      : 2
CPU frequency        : 2699.998 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 39.0 GB (17.0 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 957 MB (207 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 2047 MB (654 MB Used)
System uptime        : 11 days, 1 hour 43 min
Load average         : 0.53, 0.14, 0.05
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-86-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Sun Jan 28 03:53:52 AM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 120 MB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 122 MB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 143 MB/s
Average              : 128.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 36.8MB/s
Read IOPS            : 8982
Write performance    : 12.3MB/s
Write IOPS           : 3004

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                       526KB/s       
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          111MB/s       
Vultr, Seattle, WA              87.1MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                20.8MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             9.45MB/s      
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                3.13MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                2.84MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            4.05MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      8.02MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       6.26MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    7.93MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Test 2 Yet-Another-Bench-Script

root@hoccoban:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Sun Jan 28 09:43:02 AM UTC 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 11 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes
Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz
CPU cores  : 2 @ 2699.998 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 957.3 MiB
Swap       : 2.0 GiB
Disk       : 38.3 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-86-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : Multacom Corporation
Host       : TELUS Communications Inc
Location   : Los Angeles, California (CA)
Country    : United States

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/vda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 4.59 MB/s     (1.1k) | 54.39 MB/s     (849)
Write      | 4.61 MB/s     (1.1k) | 54.90 MB/s     (857)
Total      | 9.21 MB/s     (2.3k) | 109.29 MB/s   (1.7k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 79.49 MB/s     (155) | 97.90 MB/s      (95)
Write      | 83.71 MB/s     (163) | 104.42 MB/s    (101)
Total      | 163.21 MB/s    (318) | 202.32 MB/s    (196)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 236 Mbits/sec   | 263 Mbits/sec   | --             
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 584 Mbits/sec   | 143 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 251 Mbits/sec   | 576 Mbits/sec   | --             
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 126 Mbits/sec   | 95.6 Mbits/sec  | --             
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 443 Mbits/sec   | 607 Mbits/sec   | --             
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 462 Mbits/sec   | 722 Mbits/sec   | --             
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 492 Mbits/sec   | 919 Mbits/sec   | --             

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 308                           
Multi Core      | 263                           
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 69 min 56 sec

5) Con hàng Việt Nam Azdigit

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
 CPU Cores          : 3 @ 2399.996 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : ✗ Disabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 31.5 GB (16.2 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 3.8 GB (2.1 GB Used)
 Total Swap         : 2.9 GB (170.5 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 367 days, 4 hour 18 min
 Load average       : 0.30, 0.12, 0.09
 OS                 : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.4.0-29-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS63760 AZDIGI Corporation
 Location           : Ho Chi Minh City / VN
 Region             : Ho Chi Minh
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 467 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 511 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 507 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 495.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    98.30 Mbps        76.35 Mbps          10.10 ms    
 Los Angeles, US  44.79 Mbps        79.15 Mbps          240.16 ms   
 Paris, FR        78.38 Mbps        81.20 Mbps          206.68 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    60.49 Mbps        79.58 Mbps          237.79 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     97.84 Mbps        76.51 Mbps          25.91 ms    
 Singapore, SG    98.74 Mbps        76.07 Mbps          26.00 ms    
 Tokyo, JP        70.48 Mbps        77.13 Mbps          66.43 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      97.96 Mbps        76.56 Mbps          0.95 ms     
 FPT-HN, VN       98.31 Mbps        76.11 Mbps          20.86 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     97.91 Mbps        76.29 Mbps          0.86 ms     
 VNPT-HN, VN      98.28 Mbps        76.46 Mbps          20.14 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  97.99 Mbps        77.32 Mbps          1.25 ms     
 Viettel-DN, VN   98.36 Mbps        76.34 Mbps          21.38 ms    
 Finished in        : 4 min 43 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-27 16:38:56 CET
root@laptrinh:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Sat 27 Jan 2024 05:09:44 PM CET

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 367 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes
Processor  : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
CPU cores  : 3 @ 2399.996 MHz
AES-NI     : ❌ Disabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 3.8 GiB
Swap       : 2.9 GiB
Disk       : 31.5 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Kernel     : 5.4.0-29-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : AZDIGI Corporation
ASN        : AS63760 AZDIGI Corporation
Location   : Quan Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh (SG)
Country    : Vietnam

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/vda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 49.57 MB/s   (12.3k) | 521.73 MB/s   (8.1k)
Write      | 49.66 MB/s   (12.4k) | 524.48 MB/s   (8.1k)
Total      | 99.23 MB/s   (24.8k) | 1.04 GB/s    (16.3k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 495.36 MB/s    (967) | 491.42 MB/s    (479)
Write      | 521.68 MB/s   (1.0k) | 524.14 MB/s    (511)
Total      | 1.01 GB/s     (1.9k) | 1.01 GB/s      (990)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 74.1 Mbits/sec  | 53.4 Mbits/sec  | 205 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 66.8 Mbits/sec  | 70.4 Mbits/sec  | 196 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 71.2 Mbits/sec  | 69.5 Mbits/sec  | 206 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 20.1 Mbits/sec  | 67.6 Mbits/sec  | 188 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 60.1 Mbits/sec  | 43.5 Mbits/sec  | 264 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 84.6 Mbits/sec  | 69.3 Mbits/sec  | 208 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 76.7 Mbits/sec  | 70.8 Mbits/sec  | 185 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 519                           
Multi Core      | 1235                          
Full Test       |

root@laptrinh:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-03-04                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Tue 05 Mar 2024 02:40:47 AM CET

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 404 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes
Processor  : QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
CPU cores  : 3 @ 2399.996 MHz
AES-NI     : ❌ Disabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 3.8 GiB
Swap       : 2.9 GiB
Disk       : 31.5 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Kernel     : 5.4.0-29-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : AZDIGI Corporation
ASN        : AS63760 AZDIGI Corporation
Location   : Quan Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh (SG)
Country    : Vietnam

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/vda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 47.65 MB/s   (11.9k) | 520.43 MB/s   (8.1k)
Write      | 47.69 MB/s   (11.9k) | 523.17 MB/s   (8.1k)
Total      | 95.35 MB/s   (23.8k) | 1.04 GB/s    (16.3k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 498.50 MB/s    (973) | 491.42 MB/s    (479)
Write      | 524.99 MB/s   (1.0k) | 524.14 MB/s    (511)
Total      | 1.02 GB/s     (1.9k) | 1.01 GB/s      (990)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | busy            | 49.4 Mbits/sec  | 211 ms         
HOSTKEY         | Helsinki, FI (10G)        | 58.1 Mbits/sec  | 825 Kbits/sec   | 255 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 75.6 Mbits/sec  | 73.0 Mbits/sec  | 132 ms         
Leaseweb        | Singapore, SG (10G)       | 98.0 Mbits/sec  | 76.0 Mbits/sec  | 28.5 ms        
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 83.1 Mbits/sec  | busy            | 183 ms         
Leaseweb        | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 74.7 Mbits/sec  | 55.1 Mbits/sec  | 258 ms         
Edgoo           | Sao Paulo, BR (1G)        | busy            | 31.3 Mbits/sec  | 349 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 520                           
Multi Core      | 1205                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 19 min 14 sec

6) Amazon Lightsail

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 2499.996 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 36608 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 19.3 GB (3.1 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 444.0 MB (148.1 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 444.0 MB (8.2 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 32 min
 Load average       : 0.06, 0.05, 0.01
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-1030-aws
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS16509, Inc.
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 153 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 135 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 135 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 141.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    4406.19 Mbps      4155.95 Mbps        0.65 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  508.93 Mbps       1391.28 Mbps        181.12 ms   
 Paris, FR        606.83 Mbps       1919.57 Mbps        147.27 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    212.81 Mbps       1141.11 Mbps        235.96 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     1031.92 Mbps      2378.11 Mbps        35.68 ms    
 Singapore, SG    3997.39 Mbps      4175.42 Mbps        1.36 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        1006.77 Mbps      1714.82 Mbps        74.97 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      931.79 Mbps       3135.47 Mbps        59.39 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       932.84 Mbps       3225.87 Mbps        49.32 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     1479.08 Mbps      3366.76 Mbps        28.81 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      1219.21 Mbps      2289.11 Mbps        70.47 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  274.00 Mbps       857.05 Mbps         32.61 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   1295.44 Mbps      2204.75 Mbps        28.67 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 20 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-29 10:25:35 UTC
-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz
 CPU Cores          : 2 @ 2500.004 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 36608 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 38.7 GB (3.6 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 941.2 MB (102.0 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 941.2 MB (80.3 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 1 hour 24 min
 Load average       : 0.18, 1.22, 1.87
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-1030-aws
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS16509, Inc.
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 152 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 136 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 136 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 141.3 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    4434.86 Mbps      4107.94 Mbps        0.65 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  499.44 Mbps       1455.67 Mbps        177.32 ms   
 Paris, FR        619.44 Mbps       1917.94 Mbps        147.84 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    376.54 Mbps       1427.20 Mbps        230.14 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     1422.72 Mbps      2230.58 Mbps        35.55 ms    
 Singapore, SG    4037.46 Mbps      4354.45 Mbps        1.98 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        904.08 Mbps       1650.46 Mbps        73.88 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      574.65 Mbps       2017.79 Mbps        50.77 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       641.75 Mbps       681.30 Mbps         35.88 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     701.00 Mbps       933.05 Mbps         28.96 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      703.86 Mbps       1188.21 Mbps        65.22 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  135.61 Mbps       321.68 Mbps         25.31 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   750.82 Mbps       1089.23 Mbps        28.94 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 23 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-29 13:44:09 UTC

Bài test yet-another-bench-script

ubuntu@ip-172-26-15-101:~$ curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Mon Jan 29 12:36:19 UTC 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes
Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz
CPU cores  : 2 @ 2500.004 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 941.2 MiB
Swap       : 941.2 MiB
Disk       : 38.7 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-1030-aws
VM Type    : AMAZON
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        :, Inc.
ASN        : AS16509, Inc.
Host       : AWS EC2 (ap-southeast-1)
Location   : Singapore, Central Singapore (01)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/root):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 6.20 MB/s     (1.5k) | 67.51 MB/s    (1.0k)
Write      | 6.19 MB/s     (1.5k) | 67.89 MB/s    (1.0k)
Total      | 12.39 MB/s    (3.0k) | 135.41 MB/s   (2.1k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 64.86 MB/s     (126) | 64.10 MB/s      (62)
Write      | 68.00 MB/s     (132) | 68.80 MB/s      (67)
Total      | 132.87 MB/s    (258) | 132.90 MB/s    (129)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 668 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 161 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 780 Mbits/sec   | 254 Mbits/sec   | 234 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 754 Mbits/sec   | 704 Mbits/sec   | 246 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | busy            | 120 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 436 Mbits/sec   | 371 Mbits/sec   | 233 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 726 Mbits/sec   | 483 Mbits/sec   | 200 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 624 Mbits/sec   | 396 Mbits/sec   | 177 ms         

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 661 Mbits/sec   | 613 Mbits/sec   | 161 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.26 Gbits/sec  | busy            | 157 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 662 Mbits/sec   | 475 Mbits/sec   | 246 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 711 Mbits/sec   | 430 Mbits/sec   | 120 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | busy            | 177 Mbits/sec   | 233 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 668 Mbits/sec   | 296 Mbits/sec   | 200 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 724 Mbits/sec   | 589 Mbits/sec   | 177 ms         

Geekbench test failed and low memory was detected. Add at least 1GB of SWAP or use GB4 instead (higher compatibility with low memory systems).

YABS completed in 56 min 9 sec

7) Linode (Singapore, RAM 1GB, Singapore)

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor
 CPU Cores          : 1 @ 1999.999 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 512 KB
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 24.0 GB (4.6 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 957.5 MB (115.7 MB Used)
 Total Swap         : 1.4 GB (16.8 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 19 min
 Load average       : 0.03, 0.13, 0.09
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-91-generic
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : KVM
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✓ Online
 Organization       : AS63949 Akamai Connected Cloud
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.3 GB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.4 GB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.4 GB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 1399.5 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    993.84 Mbps       8072.95 Mbps        0.49 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  502.09 Mbps       4392.20 Mbps        182.88 ms   
 Paris, FR        385.97 Mbps       2907.19 Mbps        233.04 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    400.72 Mbps       4660.30 Mbps        153.44 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     1024.99 Mbps      921.88 Mbps         37.04 ms    
 Singapore, SG    994.43 Mbps       7476.18 Mbps        1.36 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        833.91 Mbps       8159.32 Mbps        77.88 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      881.36 Mbps       5477.35 Mbps        45.27 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       760.41 Mbps       23.70 Mbps          40.87 ms    
 VNPT-HCM, VN     717.64 Mbps       4407.71 Mbps        95.29 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      994.80 Mbps       7308.57 Mbps        34.80 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  107.74 Mbps       875.20 Mbps         33.46 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   991.69 Mbps       7414.51 Mbps        31.06 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 13 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-31 01:52:24 UTC

Test với

System Info
CPU model            : AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor
Number of cores      : 1
CPU frequency        : 1999.999 MHz
Total size of Disk   : 25.0 GB (4.8 GB Used)
Total amount of Mem  : 957 MB (150 MB Used)
Total amount of Swap : 1469 MB (17 MB Used)
System uptime        : 0 days, 0 hour 38 min
Load average         : 0.08, 0.02, 0.05
OS                   : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Arch                 : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel               : 5.15.0-91-generic
Virt                 : kvm
Date                 : Wed Jan 31 02:05:00 AM UTC 2024

Disk Speed
dd Test
I/O (1st run)        : 1.2 GB/s
I/O (2nd run)        : 1.4 GB/s
I/O (3rd run)        : 1.4 GB/s
Average              : 1365.3 MB/s
Fio Test
Read performance     : 428MB/s
Read IOPS            : 105k
Write performance    : 143MB/s
Write IOPS           : 34.9k

Node Name                               IPv4 address    Download Speed
CacheFly                        4.03MB/s      
Vultr, Los Angeles, CA          14.0MB/s      
Vultr, Seattle, WA              12.1MB/s      
Linode, Tokyo, JP                27.4MB/s      
Linode, Singapore, SG             225MB/s       
ping: Name or service not known
Softlayer, HongKong, CN                                               
VNPT, Ha Noi, VN                10.5MB/s      
VNPT, Da Nang, VN                60.3MB/s      
VNPT, Ho Chi Minh, VN            11.3MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ha Noi, VN      43.0MB/s      
Viettel Network, Da Nang, VN       6.41MB/s      
Viettel Network, Ho Chi Minh, VN    18.5MB/s      
FPT Telecom, Ha Noi, VN                        
FPT Telecom, Ho Chi Minh, VN                   
Share link:

Với Yet-Another-Bench-Script

root@localhost:~# curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Wed Jan 31 02:09:33 AM UTC 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 1 @ 1999.999 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 957.5 MiB
Swap       : 1.4 GiB
Disk       : 24.0 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-91-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online

IPv6 Network Information:
ISP        : Akamai Technologies, Inc.
ASN        : AS63949 Akamai Connected Cloud
Host       : Linode
Location   : Singapore, North West (03)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 278.54 MB/s  (69.6k) | 2.78 GB/s    (43.5k)
Write      | 279.28 MB/s  (69.8k) | 2.80 GB/s    (43.8k)
Total      | 557.82 MB/s (139.4k) | 5.59 GB/s    (87.3k)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 5.53 GB/s    (10.8k) | 6.09 GB/s     (5.9k)
Write      | 5.83 GB/s    (11.3k) | 6.50 GB/s     (6.3k)
Total      | 11.36 GB/s   (22.2k) | 12.59 GB/s   (12.2k)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 685 Mbits/sec   | 730 Mbits/sec   | 226 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 971 Mbits/sec   | 1.14 Gbits/sec  | 149 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 977 Mbits/sec   | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 227 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.01 Gbits/sec  | 1.46 Gbits/sec  | 184 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 698 Mbits/sec   | 721 Mbits/sec   | 226 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 847 Mbits/sec   | 856 Mbits/sec   | 195 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 947 Mbits/sec   | 969 Mbits/sec   | 165 ms         

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 705 Mbits/sec   | 738 Mbits/sec   | 226 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 832 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 223 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 563 Mbits/sec   | 650 Mbits/sec   | 227 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 948 Mbits/sec   | 925 Mbits/sec   | 184 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 697 Mbits/sec   | busy            | 226 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 759 Mbits/sec   | 886 Mbits/sec   | 195 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 870 Mbits/sec   | 1.02 Gbits/sec  | 165 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1024                          
Multi Core      | 790                           
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 20 min 41 sec

Đánh giá ngắn gọn: Nên dùng Linode (9/10), Amazon Lightsail (9/10), Herznet (9/10), AZdigi (8/10). Crunchbits còn khá mới trên thị trường nên chưa rõ ra sao về uptime.

8) Oracle

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : CPU model not detected
 CPU Cores          : 4
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 116.2 GB (1.9 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 15.6 GB (206.2 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 4 min
 Load average       : 0.04, 0.25, 0.15
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : aarch64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-1045-oracle
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS31898 Oracle Corporation
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 59.7 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 59.4 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 59.4 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 59.5 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    4005.78 Mbps      3827.26 Mbps        1.11 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  236.71 Mbps       2434.14 Mbps        162.64 ms   
 Paris, FR        170.55 Mbps       2697.76 Mbps        243.34 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    192.38 Mbps       2323.21 Mbps        153.35 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     532.87 Mbps       3336.61 Mbps        36.72 ms    
 Singapore, SG    4009.15 Mbps      3826.38 Mbps        1.05 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        227.44 Mbps       3641.50 Mbps        77.75 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      574.70 Mbps       3932.08 Mbps        28.87 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       491.67 Mbps       3936.04 Mbps        43.66 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      458.38 Mbps       4057.38 Mbps        48.03 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  264.56 Mbps       911.44 Mbps         30.86 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   348.85 Mbps       3847.26 Mbps        63.28 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 46 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-01-31 15:56:48 UTC
ubuntu@instance-20240131-2240:~$ ^C

Đây là bài test được thực hiện sau đó 3 ngày:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : CPU model not detected
 CPU Cores          : 4
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 116.2 GB (24.7 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 15.6 GB (6.3 GB Used)
 Total Swap         : 15.6 GB (0 Used)
 System uptime      : 1 days, 14 hour 4 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : aarch64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-1045-oracle
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS31898 Oracle Corporation
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 62.1 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 59.5 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 59.4 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 60.3 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    4008.46 Mbps      3827.66 Mbps        0.75 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  243.68 Mbps       2893.06 Mbps        179.49 ms   
 Paris, FR        182.29 Mbps       2753.05 Mbps        243.49 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    185.85 Mbps       3302.78 Mbps        167.12 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     574.04 Mbps       3830.42 Mbps        36.76 ms    
 Singapore, SG    4007.61 Mbps      3827.27 Mbps        1.06 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        299.88 Mbps       2928.51 Mbps        78.07 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      609.87 Mbps       3848.89 Mbps        29.92 ms    
 FPT-HN, VN       494.37 Mbps       4019.80 Mbps        37.52 ms    
 VNPT-HN, VN      423.29 Mbps       4051.11 Mbps        34.86 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  312.82 Mbps       914.75 Mbps         30.49 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   385.94 Mbps       3932.62 Mbps        63.91 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 48 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-02 07:09:19 UTC

Tại một thời điểm khác:

-------------------- A Script By Teddysun -------------------
 Version            : v2023-10-15
 Usage              : wget -qO- | bash
 CPU Model          : CPU model not detected
 CPU Cores          : 4
 AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : ✗ Disabled
 Total Disk         : 116.2 GB (26.8 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 15.6 GB (6.7 GB Used)
 Total Swap         : 15.6 GB (2.3 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 21 days, 9 hour 8 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
 Arch               : aarch64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.15.0-1045-oracle
 TCP CC             : cubic
 Virtualization     : Dedicated
 IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
 Organization       : AS31898 Oracle Corporation
 Location           : Singapore / SG
 Region             : Singapore
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 62.9 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 57.7 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 59.5 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 60.0 MB/s
 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    4010.39 Mbps      3827.70 Mbps        0.76 ms     
 Los Angeles, US  258.23 Mbps       1992.02 Mbps        179.39 ms   
 Paris, FR        217.35 Mbps       2724.82 Mbps        243.70 ms   
 Amsterdam, NL    174.74 Mbps       3172.12 Mbps        153.32 ms   
 Hongkong, CN     675.70 Mbps       3278.03 Mbps        34.68 ms    
 Singapore, SG    4009.46 Mbps      3827.77 Mbps        0.99 ms     
 Tokyo, JP        238.40 Mbps       3118.38 Mbps        78.00 ms    
 FPT-HCM, VN      217.67 Mbps       2566.38 Mbps        252.48 ms   
 FPT-HN, VN       233.42 Mbps       614.03 Mbps         273.68 ms   
 VNPT-HN, VN      534.66 Mbps       4046.46 Mbps        47.47 ms    
 Viettel-HCM, VN  294.50 Mbps       852.59 Mbps         52.93 ms    
 Viettel-DN, VN   322.41 Mbps       4039.61 Mbps        64.34 ms    
 Finished in        : 6 min 41 sec
 Timestamp          : 2024-02-22 02:12:57 UTC

Một test khác

ubuntu@instance-20240131-2240:~$ curl -sL | bash
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
#              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
#                     v2024-01-01                    #
# #
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #

Wed Jan 31 15:59:25 UTC 2024

ARM compatibility is considered *experimental*

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes
Processor  : Neoverse-N1
CPU cores  : 4 @ ??? MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ❌ Disabled
RAM        : 15.6 GiB
Swap       : 0.0 KiB
Disk       : 116.2 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-1045-oracle
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : Oracle Corporation
ASN        : AS31898 Oracle Corporation
Host       : Oracle Public Cloud
Location   : Singapore, South East (04)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 15.45 MB/s    (3.8k) | 31.05 MB/s     (485)
Write      | 15.47 MB/s    (3.8k) | 31.97 MB/s     (499)
Total      | 30.92 MB/s    (7.7k) | 63.02 MB/s     (984)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 28.21 MB/s      (55) | 27.87 MB/s      (27)
Write      | 30.62 MB/s      (59) | 31.09 MB/s      (30)
Total      | 58.83 MB/s     (114) | 58.96 MB/s      (57)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 433 Mbits/sec   | 556 Mbits/sec   | 153 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 488 Mbits/sec   | 1.04 Gbits/sec  | 157 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 481 Mbits/sec   | 1.04 Gbits/sec  | 185 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 69.8 Mbits/sec  | 367 Mbits/sec   | 198 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 263 Mbits/sec   | 404 Mbits/sec   | 250 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 206 Mbits/sec   | 334 Mbits/sec   | 262 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 279 Mbits/sec   | 522 Mbits/sec   | 202 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 1101                          
Multi Core      | 3682                          
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 26 min 50 sec

Với chip AMD thì điểm số vi xử lý hơi thấp.

Sat Feb 17 07:51:24 AM +07 2024

Basic System Information:
Uptime     : 1 days, 21 hours, 41 minutes
Processor  : AMD EPYC 7742 64-Core Processor
CPU cores  : 2 @ 2245.780 MHz
AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
RAM        : 952.2 MiB
Swap       : 2.0 GiB
Disk       : 45.1 GiB
Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Kernel     : 5.15.0-94-generic
VM Type    : KVM
IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

IPv4 Network Information:
ISP        : Oracle Corporation
ASN        : AS31898 Oracle Corporation
Host       : Oracle Corporation
Location   : Singapore, South East (04)
Country    : Singapore

fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/sda1):
Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 6.34 MB/s     (1.5k) | 26.15 MB/s     (408)
Write      | 6.34 MB/s     (1.5k) | 26.62 MB/s     (415)
Total      | 12.69 MB/s    (3.1k) | 52.77 MB/s     (823)
           |                      |                     
Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
  ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
Read       | 24.19 MB/s      (47) | 24.07 MB/s      (23)
Write      | 25.38 MB/s      (49) | 26.57 MB/s      (25)
Total      | 49.58 MB/s      (96) | 50.64 MB/s      (48)

iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
-----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 47.1 Mbits/sec  | 48.2 Mbits/sec  | 154 ms         
Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 47.1 Mbits/sec  | busy            | 148 ms         
NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 48.1 Mbits/sec  | 46.3 Mbits/sec  | 166 ms         
Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 48.7 Mbits/sec  | 48.5 Mbits/sec  | 120 ms         
Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 42.8 Mbits/sec  | 44.6 Mbits/sec  | 250 ms         
Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 45.9 Mbits/sec  | 46.6 Mbits/sec  | 216 ms         
Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 45.3 Mbits/sec  | 47.2 Mbits/sec  | 230 ms         

Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test            | Value                         
Single Core     | 410                           
Multi Core      | 187                           
Full Test       |

YABS completed in 58 min 12 sec

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